Leading Through The Woods!

Leading Through The Woods!

Leading Through the Woods! Are your leaders lost in the woods and need to find the right trail once again? Here are some ideas to help! A Clear and Compelling Vision Pull the team together and take an in-depth look at the Vision of the organization and then the leaders who will drive it.          ... 

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65 & Alive!

65 & Alive! Although I have reach 65 years old I have no regrets, I do have many battle scars from learning the hard way. If I could pass any wisdom along at all it would be: To Learn the Power of: 1. Learning good life skills Life skills are worth more than dollars. Manners, ... 

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Blueprint: a copy of a design plan or other technical drawing The Blueprint Process was introduced in the 19th century. The process allowed quick and accurate reproduction of documents used in the construction and other industries. The blue-print process was characterized by light colored lines on a blue background, a negative of the original. They ... 

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The 14 Leadership Skills

The 14 Leadership Skills

The 14 Leadership Skills  Communication: Too much is better than too little. Share what you learn, what you know and everyone wins. Communicating is more than words. Over 70% of communication is non-verbal. So a question might be: What is the message you are sending even before you start to speak? Resources: Know who can ... 

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12 Steps to success

12 Steps to success

12 Steps to Success!! What is IT! You really want. (Answer truthfully) If you are struggling to answer this question. Ge out three pieces of paper. At the top of the first one write, Everything I Know How to Do. On the second one write, Everything I Want to Learn How to Do. On the ... 

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Corporate Conscience

Corporate Conscience

Corporate Conscience Do corporations and for that matter small companies have a conscience today? I am saying not many! In the last two weeks two of my good friends were let go on a Friday afternoon, with no severance (because in FL you don’t have to give notice, warning or severance) after both had been ... 

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