Lessons Not Learned in School

Lessons Not Learned in School

How To: Handle Money:          Delayed gratification                      Do I need it right now?                      Is this a want or a need?                      If I spend it now, will I regret it later.           Compound Interest Interest paid on the principle amount, which accumulates over a period of time. This can geometrically add to your ... 

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Why Do Good People Leave Good Churches?

Why Do Good People Leave Good Churches?

The answer to this question took some inquiry and investigation. Something I found out that the Churches were not doing. When people leave, or the church can not find enough people to do all that needs doing or is unable to fill leadership positions, it sends the message of: We do not like what is ... 

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Are YOU: Wishful Waiting or Action Filled?

Leading Through The Woods!

Leading Through the Woods! Are your leaders lost in the woods and need to find the right trail once again? Here are some ideas to help! A Clear and Compelling Vision Pull the team together and take an in-depth look at the Vision of the organization and then the leaders who will drive it.          ... 

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Blueprint: a copy of a design plan or other technical drawing The Blueprint Process was introduced in the 19th century. The process allowed quick and accurate reproduction of documents used in the construction and other industries. The blue-print process was characterized by light colored lines on a blue background, a negative of the original. They ... 

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