Death by Leadership

Death by Leadership

Death by Leadership! – the negative side – Deceit, deceitfulness, fraudulence, lying, untruthfulness, corruption, treachery, duplicity, cheating, trickery – Retaliation, vengeance, payback, reprisal, settling the score – Haughtiness, superiority, pride, overconfidence, self-importance, condescension – Delegation, anyone too close, no followers, fright, panic, alarm. False Evidence Appearing Real. – Disregard, contempt, insolence, lack of respect, feeling ... 

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Agree to Disagree

Agree to Disagree

Can we really learn to Agree to Disagree and remain in a relationship with others? This is the question I placed with others around the table, where I was speaking. The answers were not out of line or not things I have said myself. NO! Maybe I’m not so sure. Absolutely The answers were many ... 

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