Corporate Conscience Do corporations and for that matter small companies have a conscience today? I am saying not many! In the last two weeks two of my good friends were let go on a Friday afternoon, with no severance (because in FL you don’t have to give notice, warning or severance) after both had been ...
Why Do Good People Leave Good Churches? The answer to this question took some inquiry and investigation. Something I found out that the Churches were not doing. When people leave, or the church can not find enough people to do all that needs doing or is unable to fill leadership positions, it sends the message ...
“Leadership Gone Wrong” Why? The leader has a lack of commitment. The leader suffers from scattered focus. The leader looks for any and all excuses. The leader no longer sees the big picture. The leader goes public with private thoughts. The leader takes on the “That’s good enough” attitude. The leader does not take direction ...
FEAR! Once again, I have returned from a meeting where the smell and language of fear permeated the room. Fear of today, fear of tomorrow, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of what someone said about them, fear of what some would think about them. FEAR! I tell you I just do not understand ...
Can we really learn to Agree to Disagree and remain in a relationship with others? This is the question I placed with others around the table, where I was speaking. The answers were not out of line or not things I have said myself. NO! Maybe I’m not so sure. Absolutely The answers were many ...
Just Thinking! I have heard it said that we here in the universe seem to have stopped thinking. Deep intellectual thinking. Thinking that requires answers. Thinking that requires a back and forth thought and verbal process. My answer is: “Bull Shirt”. (From the TV show The Good Place) I believe that people in the universe ...
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