Leading Through the Woods!

Are your leaders lost in the woods and need to find the right trail once again? Here are some ideas to help!

A Clear and Compelling Vision

Pull the team together and take an in-depth look at the Vision of the organization and then the leaders who will drive it.

         Is the vision still relevant?

         Are we making all decisions with the vision in mind?

         Do we need to adjust how we are relaying the vision to the    organization?

Looking Up and Down the Trail

Are there opportunities just around the next bend?

Brainstorm ideas, stating there are no bad ideas and also deal with any and all objections.

Seeking out what is not working

If something is not working, you do not necessarily have to throw it away. Can it be revised? Look for solutions, not blame.

Positive thinking brings positive results.

If it really is not working, let it go and find something that will.

Risk as Calculated  Experiments

Encourage incorporating new ways of doing things, new products, new language, and new thought processes. If they work celebrate! If not celebrate. Evaluate, and move on. Stagnation should be your biggest fear.

Is Your Team Ready to Learn More?

Call RIGHT NOW 727-422-1833

Email RIGHT NOW Dick@EWFW.org

D.W.(Dick) Powell  The Leadership Wrangler
