Corporate Conscience

Corporate Conscience

Corporate Conscience Do corporations and for that matter small companies have a conscience today? I am saying not many! In the last two weeks two of my good friends were let go on a Friday afternoon, with no severance (because in FL you don’t have to give notice, warning or severance) after both had been ... 

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The Cowboy Way

The Cowboy Way

The Cowboy Way Personal Accountability & Team Work When you think of cowboys, does your mind go to the lonesome rider out on the range or maybe the six gun carrying shoot out kind of guy? When in truth they were mostly just normal folks doing a job nobody else wanted to do. Let me ... 

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Why Do Good People Leave Good Churches?

Why Do Good People Leave Good Churches?

Why Do Good People Leave Good Churches? The answer to this question took some inquiry and investigation. Something I found out that the Churches were not doing. When people leave, or the church can not find enough people to do all that needs doing or is unable to fill leadership positions, it sends the message ... 

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Survival to Revival

Survival to Revival

From Survival to Revival From Stagnation to Re-Creation What I see today is many religious organizations in the state of survival. The congregation may have become accustomed to doing whatever they think they need to do to survive. It seems that pastors come and go, and the congregation stays put. The ones left as the ... 

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