Corporate Conscience Do corporations and for that matter small companies have a conscience today? I am saying not many! In the last two weeks two of my good friends were let go on a Friday afternoon, with no severance (because in FL you don’t have to give notice, warning or severance) after both had been ...
“Leadership Gone Wrong” Why? The leader has a lack of commitment. The leader suffers from scattered focus. The leader looks for any and all excuses. The leader no longer sees the big picture. The leader goes public with private thoughts. The leader takes on the “That’s good enough” attitude. The leader does not take direction ...
Errors in Judgement Don’t understand your role as the leader. Don’t need a job description. Don’t need firm written expectations. Don’t need knowledge of where you fit in the organization. Don’t “Walk the Talk”. Don’t delegate things that can be and should be done by someone else. Don’t have a clue of what motivates you ...
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