Every day I encounter people who are wishing their life away. They spend their days thinking all the “If Only” things they could be, should be, and ought to be, doing.
Never stopping for a moment to evaluate where they are and where they want to go.
They seem to be waiting for their opportunity to come to them and in fact, opportunities just float on by them.
On the other side of the coin, there are people like Hans Florine. A friend and fellow author, Hans is a speed mountain climber. In his book Speed Climbing, he wrote me this note: “Dick, Life is short, Go Fast!”
What he meant was you have to take ACTION to make the opportunities realize themselves to you.
Action Tips:
Research – Why, Who, What, When, Where, & How might the outcomes look
Prepare – What do I need to do to be ready? What am I willing to do to get where I want to go?
Vision – The Picture
Be specific and visual.
Mission – The Purpose
Be able to tell everyone your why.
Strategy – The Plan
Be willing to try something new, and open to sharing your plan with others than can help you.
Execute – Get It Done! ACTION is the ATTRACTION! All of the research and planning mean nothing until you actually DO IT!
D.W. Powell – Leadership Wrangler
Earth Wind Fire Water Training and Development
727.422.1833 Dick@EWFW.org www.EWFW.org
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