All Is Well!

All Is Well!

All Is Well! Today is Christmas Day 2017. A time of joy, happiness, family, and looking forward to the next year. Recently, I listened to a message that ended with how the world is in danger, life as we know it is in short supply, and everyone is in a state of fear and depression. ... 

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Lost in EQ!

Lost in EQ!

Lost in EQ! EQ or Emotional Intelligence Quotient is described as the ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions. Also, to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. On the down side of the EQ, I believe we have taken the second part to heart and put it into play in our ... 

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All Is Well!

Survival to Revival

From Survival to Revival From Stagnation to Re-Creation What I see today is many religious organizations in the state of survival. The congregation may have become accustomed to doing whatever they think they need to do to survive. It seems that pastors come and go, and the congregation stays put. The ones left as the ... 

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What Has Happened to Polite Conversation?

What Has Happened to Polite Conversation?

It has become a disturbing fact in our time today of not holding the tongue, snarky remarks and things I would never say or ask of or to someone. Those questions or comments that run through your mind and need to keep to one’s self. I once was told that if they were a really ... 

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