I started my quest for Leadership and Accountability knowledge and application as a young man in Boy Scouting. From there it has been a journey with Robert K. Greenleaf, Stephen Covey, Denis Waitely, and John C. Maxwell. I grew from a paper route to manager of a service station. Then on to a successful 30 year career with an international telecommunication company, leaving as the interim director of instruction. We built our own company and sold it after two years to become a company spokesperson for a multi-million dollar company in CA. I now am blessed to be able help others build themselves and their companies using the coaching methods of accountability and leadership. I hold certifications as Life Purpose and Career Coach, from the Life Purpose Institute and am a Certified Teacher, Speaker, Coach – John C. Maxwell Group. I am a Radio Personality, Author, Speaker, Instructor, Teacher, and Coach. Our workshops and individual coaching offer the building blocks of business learning. Leadership – Productive Meetings – Conflict Resolution – Public Speaking, Networking, and much-much, more.
Best Selling Book – “How Not To Lose Your Bass in Business”
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