John is DEAD! Growing up I had a hero, a mentor, a person that taught me how to act, and how to survive. But, John Wayne is dead. You see, John taught me that if you wanted something done you had to do it for yourself. He taught me that if you got knocked ...
Corporate Conscience Do corporations and for that matter small companies have a conscience today? I am saying not many! In the last two weeks two of my good friends were let go on a Friday afternoon, with no severance (because in FL you don’t have to give notice, warning or severance) after both had been ...
Evaluation Everything in life starts and stops with evaluation. Sometimes it is an unconscious one. Which cereal will I have for breakfast? Other times it is should I stay or should I go. As I watched a commercial about a hotel chain and they played their tag line, “Should I stay or should I go”. ...
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