Breaking the Circle: “Yoda” Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, 1999 was quoted as saying: “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” In an article, Fear Leads to Anger. Anger Leads to Hate, Hate Leads to Suffering by James Thurber, He did his best to equate this to: Galatians ...
John is DEAD! Growing up I had a hero, a mentor, a person that taught me how to act, and how to survive. But, John Wayne is dead. You see, John taught me that if you wanted something done you had to do it for yourself. He taught me that if you got knocked ...
#1 Instruct, teach how your denomination operates. Teach everyone! Not just the leadership. When everyone knows the rules, regulation, practices, expectations, and procedures, there will be no false information spread as rumors. #2 Re-energize the Vision (Future Picture), the Mission (Purpose), and the Strategy (Plan), of the Church. Create small sharing groups. Then bring everyone ...
When to Quit When to Walk Away. . . There are times when we all need to walk away, take a time out and then return refreshed with an open mind and clear conscience. There are also times we need to quit, walk away and not return. Knowing the difference is what maturity and ...
Only Time Will Tell! “If You are not planning Your life – Someone Else IS and WILL!” (D.W Powell) Many times, I have heard these words: We don’t make enough money. They don’t pay me what I am worth? I will never be able to retire! These are real questions that need ...
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