9 Steps to Saving Your Organization

  1. Clear Vision
    A clear, concise vision for at least the next 3 years is a must. This is not to be taken lightly and cannot be done in a single day. You will need to do the research of the What, Where, When, Who, and How, before you get started on the vision. It will need to be repeatable. It will need to be able to be ingested, repeated, and lived by each individual in the organization. This means it cannot be a secret to the everyday people. If only the leadership hold on to it will not become ingrained into the culture of the organization.
  2. Values
    Clear, concise, understandable values are a must. No more than 5 and no less than 3. They with the vision will set the stage of the culture of the organization.
  3. Operations Manual
    No organization can last without an operations manual. This is a place for anyone to find the how-to do’s and the who is responsible for that necessary action. It will be clear, concise and available to anyone in the organization.
  4. Goals
    Each person, section, leader, needs to have a set of 90-day reviewable goals that include metrics to track them by.
  5. Marketing
    A marketing plan that uses at least 3 different kinds of media, with metrics to track what works and what does not.
  6. Outsourcing
    Great organizations outsource or delegate their non-vital tasks. Do what you do best and farm out the rest.
  7. Coach, Mentor, Board
    Every person in the organization from the top leadership to the people turning the wheel, need to have a Coach, Mentor, or a board of directors to bounce ideas off.
  8. Sales
    Every organization no matter how large or how small need a sales presentation with at least a 1 out of 3 success rate. If it is lower than that it will be because of one of 3 reasons.
    1. Wrong people 2. Poor presentation 3. Wrong presenter
  9. Budget
    Every part of the organization needs a budget to adhere to. Make sure there is a replacement line for any purchases or people.

D.W.(Dick) Powell   —  The Earth Wind Fire Water Training and Development
727-422-1833  D.W.(Dick) Powell