Leadersship Wrangler

Branding – Your Company // Ropeing – In Leads, Clients, Sales // Leading – You Up The Trail To Success

A Digital Agency

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Forward Thinking

Curabitur quis dui volutpat, cursus eros elut commodo elit cum sociis natoque penatibus

Problem Solvers

Curabitur quis dui volutpat, cursus eros elut commodo elit cum sociis natoque penatibus

Customer Support

Curabitur quis dui volutpat, cursus eros elut commodo elit cum sociis natoque penatibus

Our Story

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over forty years of marriage, our quest for knowledge on building a life, a family, a career and a business has not stopped. Soon after Robin and I were married we discovered that only one source
of income would never satisfy our needs and wants. I had a talent for
working with wood and Robin a talent for making anything that was out of
cloth or yarn. We started to grow and our craft business gave way to
another company designing and manufacturing custom t-shirts and other
wearable s.

Again, we grew and the t-shirt business gave way to an embroidery
company. All the while, we were perfecting our Leadership instruction
style and knowledge.
We used the methods of instruction through the doing to share the
adventures of leadership for the Boy Scouts of America. We did this
while studying with Stephen Covey, Denis Waitley, Jim Rohn, and John
Maxwell. We learned by trial and error. Some of our learning came from
the loss of money on bad choices, some on the lack of patience and some
because we had no idea of who to go to ask.
Through it, all we have built companies from the ground up, restored
existing companies, and grew companies from million dollar operations to
multi-million dollar success stories. We have worked alongside
individuals guiding them on the path they already sought. The knowledge
we have we want to share to shorten the adventure from zero to hero.

Our Vision is Building Authentic Strategic Success (BASS) through hands on practices.

Our Mission is to help, support, coach, and mentor to bridge the gap between formal academia and the changing real world.

Our Strategy is to use Teaching, Coaching, Mentoring, and hands on practical knowledge.
Robin & Dick

  • Vision (Your Future Picture) 80% 80%
  • Mission (Your Purpose / Calling) 60% 60%
  • Strategy (Your Plan) 50% 50%
  • Customer Happiness 90% 90%
Team Member 1

Team Member 1

Company Role

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc.
Team Member 1

Team Member 1

Company Role

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc.
Team Member 1

Team Member 1

Company Role

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc.